Monday, January 28, 2008

“Real Worship”

Leave a Comment about an idea for a short film for this upcoming Sermon.

Sunday, February 17, 2008
“Real Worship”
Text: Revelation 4:1-5:14
TBI: The picture John gives to us of worship in chapters four and five is absolutely amazing. It is one of neverending praise. The picture of worship spoken of here should shape how we worship today. It’s real worship.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a story I read in Wineskins years ago. It was about what was happening in a worship service - how different people had different attitudes going in, contrasting them with real worship. If we did this, perhaps one could be chewing gum and checking his Blackberry (reading the bulletin? ha!), another talking to a friend, one looking at his/her watch because the game's starting in two hours (oh nooo!), and one really focused on God. Not sure how to end it, though. Maybe just a tagline like, "What are *you* here for?" or "What are *you* doing here?"

Anonymous said...

That is a great Idea! You got me thinking.
what if Jesus was seating in the seat right by them.
than we see the tagline.

"What are *you* here for?" or "What are *you* doing here?"

that would make you think more about what you foucas on durning Church, wow!!!
Great brainstorming!!!

Anonymous said...

okay, here's a sample script:

This shows a group of people in one pew during service whie everyone is singing. First it shows a couple who is clearly happy to be there. They sing with enthusiasm etc.

The camera pans to the next couple, who is grumpier. One says to the other, "I just can't stand these new songs." The other nods, arms crossed, no singing. (An alternative would be that they're sitting in front of a woman struggling with a wiggling baby. One says to the other, "Can't she shut that kid up??")

Anyway, pan to the next one - a teenager, obviously not interested in being there. He/she mumbles the words through chewing gum, looks at the watch, rolls his/her eyes, etc.

Then pan to the last one, a man in a suit and tie, absorbed in his Blackberry. We watch him for a few seconds before panning over slightly to see Jesus sitting next to him, watching him type. Then Jesus taps the guy on the shoulder, but the guy holds up one finger (as if to say, "hang on, doing something important right now...")

Fade to tagline.

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I really like the idea about Jesus sitting next to the person. That would bring it home for certain! (Which person do you think would be good? The first thought that comes to mind is someone listening to their iPod instead of really being there. The Blackberry guy would be good, too.)

This discussion reminds me of a Bizarro cartoon I clipped one Sunday.
It was a take-off of Michelangelo's ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, where God is reaching for Adam. In this picture, Adam has a laptop on his lap, a phone to his ear, and he's holding up one finger to God as if to say, "Hang on, got something important going on here...."

Looking forward to talking more soon. I'll try to keep up with the blog. Thanks!