Monday, January 28, 2008

168 Hour Film Project

Participant in a world wide Christian video contest called the 168project.

Join the HOCC Video Production Team which is participanting in this contest.

Contact CLint if you would like to help.

The 168 Hour Film Project is a competition where producers have 168 hours (1 week) to film and edit a 11-minute movie based on a theme and a Bible verse. All films are created during production week to premiere at the 168 Film Festival

This year's theme is "Free The Captives." All Films will be produced in Feb-March 2008 based on verses with this theme.

Verse Assignment: This marks the start of Pre-Production Week USA Teams (outside of California) - Monday, February 25
Production Week Start: Cameras allowed to roll at 8 PM Local Time - No Earlier! USA Teams - Tuesday, March 4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the short film, that my team made last year.

This is a movie preview of Whispers," a film by Clint Loveness, Joshua Banister,
Whitney Oliver, and Samuel Hedlund.
Staring: Elizabeth Shea, JD Farias, Michael Dean

Whispers: a brilliant
physicist searches for extraterrestrial life with help
from a mysterious stranger. "Whispers" also features
an original score by Pepperdine music student Damjan
This Film was made for the 168 hr project which is a video contest that you have a week to make a film based off of a Bible verse. The films are used for a Christian Film Frestival. check out the website for more info: