Monday, January 28, 2008

When Jesus Comes to Church

Leave a Comment about an idea for the next short film for the upcoming Sermon topic.

Sunday, February 10, 2008
When Jesus Comes to Church
Text: Revelation 2:1-3:22
TBI: This text encompasses the famous letters to the seven churches. Some are applauded by Jesus, others are upbraided for various things. We will look at what Jesus loves and doesn’t in the case of each of the seven churches…asking, “If Jesus visited Highland Oaks, what might he see? If he were to speak to the angel of Highland Oaks, what might he want him to write?


Anonymous said...

regarding the letters to the churches. My idea might run like
this: whoever's holding the camera (handheld) walks into the church and meets several different people, each of whom displays an attitude similar to one of the churches listed in Revelation. Some might be facing hard times at work for their faith, for instance, while another is obviously lukewarm, and still another is doing all the right things but for the wrong reason (ie, not for love of God). Then an usher meets the unseen person, asks his name, and looks thunderstruck when he (not the viewer) hears the answer. Tagline: "What would Jesus see if he came to your church?" Or something like that.
by adrienne

Anonymous said...

Short Film Script
“What If Jesus Came to Our Church?”

Actors range in age, race, etc.
All actors are filmed in various locations, representing different walks of life (breakfast table, office cubicle, sidewalk, laundry room, bus stop, riding the DART rail, driving mini-van, jogger, suit & tie, etc.).
First set of ‘what if’s’ is filmed B&W.
Actors faces are pensive or void of emotion.
Tone of music is tense, minor key.

Actor #1 – “What if Jesus came to our church?”
Actor #2 – “Would he find a bunch of people absorbed in their own lives – a country club of the spiritually elite – oblivious to outsiders who have come in to find a shelter from the storm of life?”
Actor #3 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #4 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #5 – “What if Jesus came to our church? Would he find a church that was dead, void of life and emotion, full of people with sullen faces and negative spirits?”
Actor #6 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #7 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #8 – “What if Jesus came to our church? Would he find a church concerned only with itself, ignoring the problems of the nation’s poor, the world’s injustices, and society’s outcasts?”

Actors are now filmed in color or with added color effects.
Actor’s faces are happy, thoughtful, smiling.
Music tone is decidedly more positive and relaxing.

Actor #1 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #2 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #3 – “What if Jesus came to my church? He would find a group of people that honestly love each other like family, warts and all, and openly welcomes guests from the community who are searching for a church to be a part of…or even to hear for the first time, the Good News of Jesus.”
Actor #4 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #5 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #6 – “What if Jesus came to my church? He would find a community of worshippers whose voices are alive in praise, whose faces reflect the gratitude of someone who has truly received the gift of grace, and tongues are filled with laughter and encouragement at all times.
Actor #7 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #8 – “What if Jesus…”
Actor #2 – “What if Jesus came to my church? He would find a church being His hands and feet to the community’s poor and spiritually broken, reaching across the borders of nations to extend hope to those who might never receive the message of salvation.”

Final scene, all 8 actors are on the screen, Brady Bunch style, with a caption in the open middle saying “What if Jesus came to your church?”
Simultaneously, all actors say line.

All Actors – “What is Jesus came to your church?”

Scene ends and music and screen fade to black.

idea from Chad

Anonymous said...

The different restaurants could be like the different churches.
And this could have the same point, and make people think outside of the box apply it to all type of cases in life.

Jesus teach using parables. The Kingdom of Heaven is like.....

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about your restaurant idea and I think it would be pretty funny and yet still deliver the message. Are you thinking of different restaurants corresponding to different churches, or just having one with roaches.
by adrienne

Anonymous said...

I like Chad's idea too - very cool. :)