Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Video idea: What are you shopping for?

Share your ideas for this upcoming short film.

Video idea: What are you shopping for?

Video idea for the future. Please give feedback.
This video can be filmed in the style of the God’s Pie video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upmyrinWq64

Video idea by Tony Roseberry and Clint:
Idea: Shopping at a grocery store for different religions.
Theme: What are you shopping for? What really matters is what is outside the store. Do you have the right thing in your shopping cart?

Location: grocery store

A person is shopping with a shopping cart at the grocery store for different religions or different material things label in the different food sections.
For example:
Candy section can be label: New Age
Bread of life section: Christianity
Clearance section: Atheism
Noodles: Buddhism

We all have to pay the Bill for our food at the checkout. Labeled Death.

When the person leaves the store with a cart of food, he opens the doors and the screen fills with bright white light.
This can represent heaven.
Than it fades to a title that says.
What matters the most is what is outside the grocery store.
What are you shopping or searching for?

This video can help people think outside the box, that there is more.

This is an idea that I’m excited about, please add to this and give me some more ideas to make this a powerful video.

Add Feedback and Other ideas:
Sounds good. How about instead of all being shelf merchandise could some also be a kiosk food tasting area where they are handing out free samples?
What about this:

Using the Caring & Sharing area that has all the clothes racks with clothes, and use that area as the "set". Make it look kinda like a department store. Have a sign over a large clothes rack that says "Religion" and possibly "On Sale Now" or "Get 'em While They Last" or "One Size Fits All", etc...

Have several actors looking through the rack of clothes on the "Religion" rack. Sales clerk asks if he/she can help find something they are looking for. Each actor would individually ask the sales clerk about what they want (ex: "Do you happen to have any legalism with judgmental attitudes?..."Do you carry anything that exploits or corrupts the meaning of Grace...preferably in green please"...."Does this passive approach to works make me look fat"?..."If I don't agree with what an Elder says in class, can I exchange this for something that does fit?" and so on.

Then, the exasperated sales clerk, not able to answer all these questions from the customers shopping for religion, then reaches for a simple robe that possibly has a sign or enlarged label that says "His Size Fits All" or something to that effect.

Anyway, just throwing out an idea.
I think you’ve got multiple ideas tied up in one video. The grocery store and shopping cart image is the consumerization of religion. I think that communicates well.

Idea #2 is the end game—you’re checking out, and being taken home. Where is home?

Idea #3 is the externally focused image—it matters more what you’re doing outside than inside, a concept I would agree with. Something like taking home the groceries and never actually using them to feed people. If you’re buying the groceries and the people around you are going hungry, what’s the point?

If you think of a few more, you ought to consider doing a running theme of some of these videos, post them on YouTube or something. And keep them handy for the time when they’re a good video translation of what we’re doing at HOCC.

Just one guys’ thoughts…

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